GPO Gas Engine Series-Industrial grade skid style washers, gas engine driven with a diesel-fired horizontal coil. From 5 gpm @ 5500 psi to 12 gpm @ 2500 psi.
DPO Diesel M-Series-Heavy-duty steel frame, diesel-fired horizontal coil design. From 5 gpm @2500 psi to 12 gpm @ 5000 psi.
Aqueous Parts Washer-Front-load or top-load. From 36 gpm @40 psi to 210 gpm @ 66 psi.
Pinnacle Series-Two-wheel design for ease of use & transportation. From 3 gpm @2700 psi to 4 gpm @ 4000 psi.
Mini Skid GPO Series-Gas-fired horizontal coil design. From 4 gpm @3500 psi to 8 gpm @ 4000 psi.
PEO Mini-Four-wheel electric motor-driven, diesel-fired horizontal coil design compacted into a smaller size. From 2 gpm @1600 psi to 4 gpm @ 2000 psi.
Power Parts Washer-Environmentally friendly parts washers save time and money by cleaning your grimiest stuff in just minutes.
Cold Water Industrial Series-Heavy-duty cold water cleaners in gas or electric drive. From 4 gpm @ 2000 psi to 8 gpm @ 3000 psi.
Space Heater Series-160,000 or 210,000 btu options to quickly heat a large area.
EC Series-Cold-water electric units built for longevity. From 2 gpm @ 1000 psi to 4 gpm @1000 psi.
Hot Water Heaters-Turn cold-water units into hot water units in a snap.
Gas Fired Series-Stationary natural gas or LP units from 2.1 gpm @ 1600 psi to 10 gpm @ 3000 psi.
TT Trailer Series-Tough and durable. Just like the gunk you’re about to clean.
DPO Series-Diesel driven industrial grade skids with horizontal coil. From 5 gpm @ 3000 psi to 8 gpm @ 2000 psi.
GPO New Style Series-Gas or diesel engine skid design. From 3 gpm @3000 psi to 5 gpm @ 3500 psi.
GPO Series-Industrial grade skid style washers, gas engine driven with a diesel-fired horizontal coil. From 4 gpm @ 3000 psi to 10 gpm @ 2500 psi.
Raider 2 GPO Series-Gas engine driven, diesel-fired vertical coil units in a four-wheel frame built with portability in mind. From 3 gpm @2500 psi to 3.5 gpm @4000 psi.
Raider 2 Series-Electric motor driven, diesel-fired vertical coil units in a portable, four-wheel design. From 2 gpm @ 1600 psi to 5 gpm @ 3000 psi.
Whitco PEO-Four-wheel electric motor-driven, diesel-fired horizontal coil design. From 2 gpm @1600 psi to 5 gpm @ 3000 psi.